At St Barnabas’ Balwyn we believe that part of our response to God’s love and generosity to us is to give generously. We are entirely self-supported by our members.
The Christian model is not one of rules or obligation like the Old Testament 10% tithe. We give generously according to the blessings we have received from God’s hand. Many would say that the generosity of a Christian under grace should exceed the expectations of the Old Testament Law. We encourage each person to prayerfully consider what they are able to give to God’s kingdom work. As a church we give 10% of our income to Christian mission around the world.
Credit Card Giving
For easy and fast one-off credit card payment please use the Give button below. Regular credit card giving is best done via direct debit forms (see below).
Direct Bank Deposit (EFT) Giving
Our Direct Deposit bank details are:
Account Name: St Barnabas' Anglican Church
BSB: 013215
Account: 180914626
Bank: ANZ
Regular Giving Through the Anglican Development Fund (ADF)
We recommend using the Anglican Development Fund (ADF) to set up regular giving. Simply download and complete the below file. You can choose to give through bank debit or credit card, and at what intervals you would like.
In today’s cashless society, we do recommend electronic giving. This helps us to budget well and is easier to manage. We also encourage you to give in a service as an act of worship.