Father's Day Breakfast
Start Father’s Day with Coffee and a Bacon ‘N’ Egg Roll. Then try church.
All are welcome. Bring Dad. Bring someone special.
Breakfast starts at 10am. There is no cost.
There is always lots going on at St Barnabas. Some of these things arrive on our website. Others don’t make it. But we believe there is a space for you here. The best way to find out more is to contact us or to turn up one Sunday. Most Sundays we meet at 9am and 10:30am. On the 4th Sunday of the month we meet combined at 10:30am and share food afterwards.
As a church we have rhythms throughout the year around times like Christmas, Easter, Lent, Pentecost and Advent. Each month we have rhythms of gathering for those who are looking to connect and walk with people. There are also things we do to serve the local community that you might like to help with. Each week we have groups who meet for encouragement. Come along or contact us and find out where there might be a space for you.
Find out about visiting us here. We are really welcoming as a church and would love to help you connect and feel at home.
Start Father’s Day with Coffee and a Bacon ‘N’ Egg Roll. Then try church.
All are welcome. Bring Dad. Bring someone special.
Breakfast starts at 10am. There is no cost.
Start Father’s Day with Coffee and a Bacon ‘N’ Egg Roll. Then try church.
All are welcome. Bring Dad. Bring someone special.
Breakfast starts at 10am. There is no cost.
Young Adults - this is an event in your area, hosted by the churches of your area for you. We have an inspiring guest speaker. We want to begin gathering young adults together regularly throughout the year. This is the first event; a live in-person only event. Join us!
We would love you to join us as we celebrate our 150th St Barnabas’ Day.
We are welcoming the Archbishop of Melbourne, Philip Freier.
On the day we will celebrate 150 years, a few of our teenagers will be confirmed in their faith, we will hear from God’s Word and share communion. After the service we will share in a special morning tea. We look forward to you joining us!
The service will begin at 10:30am and conclude at approximately 11:45am with morning tea to follow.
are we meeting on New Years Day? Of course. Join us at the very reasonable time of 10:30am.
Again, through January we’ll meet with one combined service at 10:30am. Each Sunday we will share communion are we are going to be considering how Jesus calls us together as One.
Join us to bring in Christmas Day as we share Holy Communion and celebrate Jesus
Join us for some kids carols, videos and a celebration of Jesus’ birthday
In life we find ourselves where we find ourselves. Sometimes we arrive there because of our decisions. Some decisions are good and some are bad. But deep inside of us all there is this little niggle “there has to be more”. God’s plan for all of us is not only that we would know redemption, but we would also be agents of redemption. Christmas reminds us that this desire we have inside for more finds its answer in the invitation of God. Join us as we find refreshment in the good news of Jesus this Christmas
Christmas Carols - 11th Dec - 10:30am
Christmas Eve - 24th Dec - 5pm Kids
Christmas Eve - 24th Dec - 11pm Midnight Service
Christmas Day - 25th Dec - 9am Worship
Combined service followed by Annual Parish Meeting.
SATURDAY 22 OCTOBER 7:00PM START (arrive from 6.30)
St Barnabas (Maling Hall)
$20 per person (tables up to 10)
Bring Food and Drinks to Share on your table.
Prizes on the Night!
All funds raised will go to relieve poverty in Sri Lanka
RSVP: TO BOOK YOUR TABLE events@stbarnabas.org.au
St Barnabas - Celebrating 150 Years
1. Launch of St Barnabas 150 Years History book by Vicar, Randle Bond
2. Maling family work in constructing the church between 1870 and 1930
3. John Butler Maling and family – presentation by Philip Barton, great grandson John Butler Maling
Afternoon tea to follow
RSVP to balwynhistory@gmail.com by 3rd October
Join us across October as we celebrate God’s mission beyond our walls. We have a range of guest preachers at our services and would love to see you there. Services are at 9am or 10:30am with the fourth Sunday of the Month (23rd Oct) being a combined service at 10:30am
Join us as we celebrate our 150th year starting with St Barnabas’ Day - 5th June 2022 at 10:30am
Find out more about our history here
Alpha as an opportunity to explore and/or grow in the Christian faith.
on Zoom Wednesdays at 7:30pm starting 27th April
in person Sundays at 6pm with Dinner starting Sunday 1st May
RSVP to Randle at vicar@stbarnabas.org.au (with dietary requirements if in person)
Join us as we look at the values we share. These values will define the culture we build and will shape us for the years to come. If we live these values and grow in these values we will see God work powerfully through us.
January Services are combined at 10am.
Together we’ll be looking at the topic - Walking in Hope and seeking to understand together how we can live out hope everyday.
Join us in person or via Livestream
Carols Service
19 December 10am
Christmas Lessons & Carols
Kids’ Christmas Worship
24 December 5pm
Suitable for Primary school age children
Christmas Eve Midnight Service
24 December 11pm
Midnight worship with Holy Communion
Christmas Day Service
25 December 9.00am
Family Service with Holy Communion
* COVID-19 Please refer to the latest COVID-19 health advice for service attendance.
Cost: $30 (for 2 games, drinks & nibbles)
Register HERE